Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wanderlust claims another victim

After being back in Singapore for barely 2 weeks, the hunger is upon me again to travel. Next Monday it's off to Hong Kong to visit my relatives. My choice of airline? Jetstar Asia, because the promotional airfare came at the right time last year.

With the two-to-fly promotion, it was hard to say no to my mother who wanted to go to HK to do some shopping and visit her relatives. I had initially wanted to save my leave for the end of year when discount season is here. It seems the deals were too good to be missed.

Next up, Jetsaver Light Challenge to see if the buddy and I would get to go to Taiwan and do a star jump under the Taipei 101, stuff some stinky tofu at our palates, or even chat up some cute Taiwanese girls who're fortunate enough to meet us while out shopping.